Dashi stock
05/04/11 18:03
Authentic Japanese Recipes
Basic Dashi Stock- Add half teaspoon dashi stock granules to 1 cup(250 ml) hot water.
The granules contain salt,so taste before adding the full amount of salt called in the recipes.
Cold Soba Dashi Broth-1 cup basic dashi stock, tablespoons japanese soy sauce.1/4 cup(60 ml) mirin.
Place all ingredients in a saucepan,bring just to a boil over medium heat and remove from heat immediatly.
Serve with cold soba noodles.
Keep refrigerate up to 4 days.
Sauces and Batters
Sukiyaki Sauce
6 tablespoons japanese soy sauce
5 tablespoons mirin
5 tablespoon sake
5-6 tablespoons sugar
1 1/2 cups(375ml) chiken stock or basic dashi stock
Combine all the ingrenients in a pan and bring to a boil,stiring to disolve the sugar,once the sugar it disolved,remove from heat and pour the sauce into a bowl.
Sesame Dipping Sauce ( Goma Tare )
5 tablespoons white sesame seeds
1 tablespoon miso
2 tablespoons mirin
1 tablespoon tamari or dark soy sauce
1 tablespoon japanese soy sauce
1 tablespoon freshly squeeezed lemon juice or rice vinegar
half tablespoon sugar
half teaspoon grated ginger
1/4 teaspoon ground red pepper
1/4 cup(85 ml) water.
Dry roast the sesame seeds untill light golden brown,do not burn the seeds or it will taste bitter.
place the sesame seeds and all ingredients in a blender ,make a sauce.it best to be prepare one day ahead for the flavours to blend.
keep refrigerate 2-3 days.
Sweet vinegar -Amazu
1 cup(250 ml) water
1/2 cup(125 ml) rice vinegar
1/3 cup(60 g) sugar
1 teaspoon salt
Bring the water and vinegar to a boil in a saucepan,then add the remaining ingredients and stir to dissolve the sugar and salt.Remove form heat and seat aside to cool.Use for dipping and pickling vegetables.keep refrigarate for up to 10 days.
Chiken Yakitori Glaze - Tori Tare
1/2 cup(125ml) chicken stock or half teasppon chicken stock powder dissolved in 1/2 cup(125 ml) water
1/3 cup(85 ml) sake
1/2 cup(125 ml) mirin
1/2 cup (125ml) japanese soy sauce
2 tablespoons sugar.
Place all ingredients into a small saucepan and bring to a boil,reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes or untill the sauce it reduce to half.
The sauce keeps refrigerated for up to 1 month.
Use thsi sauce for brusing when grilling chicken yakitori.
Teriyaki sauce
1 cup(250ml) japanese soy sauce
1 cup sake
1 1/2 cups(375 ml) mirin
5-6 tablesppons sugar
Combine all the ingredients in a saucepan and bring to a boil over medium heat,simmer on medium-low heat stirring constatly untill the sauce is reduced to less than half the original volume.
keep refrigerating for up to 6 months.
Japanese Mayonnaise- Tamago no moto
2 egg yolks
half teaspoon lemon juice
1/2 cup(125ml) salad oil
1 tablespoon white miso
Pinch of salt and white pepper
Pinch of grated yuzu,lime or lemon peel(optional).
Beat the egg yolks and add the lemon juice ina abowl using a wooden spoon.Continue beating,adding the salad oil a few drops at a time untill the mixture begins to emulsify,ad the miso,salt grated pper and grated peel if using.
Tempura batter - Tempura Ko
1 egg yolk
1 cup(250 ml) ice water
1 cup(150 gr ) cornstarch ,shifted
Put the egg yolk in a bowl and the mix in the water gradually.
Add the cornstarch all in once and stir briefly.
Tempura batter should be thin and lumpy,it best made just before cooking.
Basic Dashi Stock- Add half teaspoon dashi stock granules to 1 cup(250 ml) hot water.
The granules contain salt,so taste before adding the full amount of salt called in the recipes.
Cold Soba Dashi Broth-1 cup basic dashi stock, tablespoons japanese soy sauce.1/4 cup(60 ml) mirin.
Place all ingredients in a saucepan,bring just to a boil over medium heat and remove from heat immediatly.
Serve with cold soba noodles.
Keep refrigerate up to 4 days.
Sauces and Batters
Sukiyaki Sauce
6 tablespoons japanese soy sauce
5 tablespoons mirin
5 tablespoon sake
5-6 tablespoons sugar
1 1/2 cups(375ml) chiken stock or basic dashi stock
Combine all the ingrenients in a pan and bring to a boil,stiring to disolve the sugar,once the sugar it disolved,remove from heat and pour the sauce into a bowl.
Sesame Dipping Sauce ( Goma Tare )
5 tablespoons white sesame seeds
1 tablespoon miso
2 tablespoons mirin
1 tablespoon tamari or dark soy sauce
1 tablespoon japanese soy sauce
1 tablespoon freshly squeeezed lemon juice or rice vinegar
half tablespoon sugar
half teaspoon grated ginger
1/4 teaspoon ground red pepper
1/4 cup(85 ml) water.
Dry roast the sesame seeds untill light golden brown,do not burn the seeds or it will taste bitter.
place the sesame seeds and all ingredients in a blender ,make a sauce.it best to be prepare one day ahead for the flavours to blend.
keep refrigerate 2-3 days.
Sweet vinegar -Amazu
1 cup(250 ml) water
1/2 cup(125 ml) rice vinegar
1/3 cup(60 g) sugar
1 teaspoon salt
Bring the water and vinegar to a boil in a saucepan,then add the remaining ingredients and stir to dissolve the sugar and salt.Remove form heat and seat aside to cool.Use for dipping and pickling vegetables.keep refrigarate for up to 10 days.
Chiken Yakitori Glaze - Tori Tare
1/2 cup(125ml) chicken stock or half teasppon chicken stock powder dissolved in 1/2 cup(125 ml) water
1/3 cup(85 ml) sake
1/2 cup(125 ml) mirin
1/2 cup (125ml) japanese soy sauce
2 tablespoons sugar.
Place all ingredients into a small saucepan and bring to a boil,reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes or untill the sauce it reduce to half.
The sauce keeps refrigerated for up to 1 month.
Use thsi sauce for brusing when grilling chicken yakitori.
Teriyaki sauce
1 cup(250ml) japanese soy sauce
1 cup sake
1 1/2 cups(375 ml) mirin
5-6 tablesppons sugar
Combine all the ingredients in a saucepan and bring to a boil over medium heat,simmer on medium-low heat stirring constatly untill the sauce is reduced to less than half the original volume.
keep refrigerating for up to 6 months.
Japanese Mayonnaise- Tamago no moto
2 egg yolks
half teaspoon lemon juice
1/2 cup(125ml) salad oil
1 tablespoon white miso
Pinch of salt and white pepper
Pinch of grated yuzu,lime or lemon peel(optional).
Beat the egg yolks and add the lemon juice ina abowl using a wooden spoon.Continue beating,adding the salad oil a few drops at a time untill the mixture begins to emulsify,ad the miso,salt grated pper and grated peel if using.
Tempura batter - Tempura Ko
1 egg yolk
1 cup(250 ml) ice water
1 cup(150 gr ) cornstarch ,shifted
Put the egg yolk in a bowl and the mix in the water gradually.
Add the cornstarch all in once and stir briefly.
Tempura batter should be thin and lumpy,it best made just before cooking.
kimchi soup
10/11/10 22:12

ai nevoie ptr 2 portii:
o juma de ceapa taiata solzi
2-3 fire de ceapa verde,taiata bucatele de 1 cm
1 morcov rondele
1 bucata de carnita de porc,mai cu grasime(taiata bucatele mai subtiri)
1 carnat afumat(extra)
1 lingura de zahar
1 lingura de pasta de chilii
1 lingura de praf de chilii
1 pliculet de dashii
2 linguri ulei de susan
mod de preparare:
se pune kimuchii-ul gata taiat in oala,cu tot cu sucul lasat,ceapa verde,ceapa alba,morcovul,carnatul taiat rondele,carnea(eu am dat-o inainte separat o data in fiert,dupa care am spalat-o de spuma lasata si apoi am folosit-o),toate ingredientele,inafara de uleiul de susan,se acopera cu apa cu un deget peste intreaga compozitie,se pune capul si se da la fiert.
dupa ce incep toate legumele sa fiarba,cca 30 de min,se adauga uleiul de susan,daca ai tofu,il poti taia felii,si il pui si pe el deasupra peste supa,fara sa mai amesteci si mai lasi 10-15 min la fiert la foc mediu!
si gata...pofta mare!!
Reteta mi-a dat-o Paula ,o bunatateeeeeeee ,sa mai incerci scumpica retete ca eu te urmez cu placere daca sint bune,hahhahahahah!!!
onighirii cu tuna mayonase
02/10/09 14:24

Am fiert orezul(in cazul meu basmati ca nu am abut altul dar de preferat orez obisnuit sau de sushii,
separat am facut o cutie de tuna cu mayoneza sare si piper.
am inpachetat unele in foi de norii si unele le-am pus direct in formele de onighirii si la jumatate am pus compozitia,ff bune.
02/10/09 14:21

- 2 1/2 cup flour
- 4 tsp baking powder
- 1/4 cup sugar
- 2/3 cup warm milk
- For Filling:
- 4 oz. ground pork
- 1 1/3 oz. boiled bamboo shoot, chopped
- 1/2 onion, chopped
- 1 tsp ginger juice
- 2 tsp oyster sauce
- 1 tsp soy sauce
- 1 tsp sugar
- 1 tsp sesame oil
Sift flour and baking powder together in a large bowl. Add sugar in the flour. Pour warm milk in the flour gradually. Knead the dough until it becomes as soft as ear lobes. Divide the dough into 8 balls. Set aside. Chop onion and boiled bamboo shoot. Put ground pork, onion, bamboo shoot in a large bowl. Add ginger juice, soy sauce, oyster sauce, sugar, and sesame oil in the bowl. Mix well until the meat becomes sticky. Take a ball of dough and flatten by hands. Put a spoonful of meat filling in the center of the dough and wrap it by gathering the dough to the top. Repeat the process to make more manju. Put each manju on a small square sheet of cooking paper. Preheat a steamer on high heat until starts steaming. Place manju in the steamer. Steam about 15 minutes on high heat.
*makes about 8 pieces
"diferente" -eu nu am pus carne de pork,ci de vita,si nici bamboo,si am pus cam 3 linguri de ulei de susan. si nici zaharul,atit in aluat cit si in compozitie.
sasami no minoyaki
02/10/09 14:18

carne de pui 200g ( fara grasime) 2 lingurite osake, 1 lingurita shioiu,putina sare,2-3 cartofi, 1 ou, katakuriko, ulei pt prajit.
Carnea de pui se taie cam 3-4 cm in lung, apoi se da cu sare si se pune osake si shioiu. Se curata cartofi de coaja si se taie ca la cartofi prajiti mai subtiri cam 2-3 cm apoi se spala, se ia un servet de bucatarie si se usuc. Se ia cartofi si se amesteca cu puiul si oul batut. apoi luati un manunchi din cantitate si se prajeste in mult ulei( ca la tempura , koroke etc)
Eby cu sos de maioneza si chives
05/09/09 11:51

Creveti fierti,amestecati cu sos de maioneza,sare,piper si chives(in loc de chives puteti pune si ceapa verde tocata maruntel).
Teriyaki chicken
14/04/09 18:34

pulpe de pui sau bucatele de pui,se prajesc ,2 catei de usturoi rasi ,,30 ml soya sos,20 ml apa.
carnea prajita se scoate pe o farfurie,se sterge tigaia de ulei,carnea se pune la loc in tigaie cu usturoiul si sosul rezultat din ingrenientele de mai sus.se prajeste totul la foc mare ,se serveste cu orez si legume .
14/04/09 18:28

350 gr de vinete,morcov 30 gr,ardei gras 60 gr,
vinetele se spala si se feliaza fisii lungi si subtiri.
se caleste morcovul ,se adauga vinetele,si dupa ce sau inmuiat vinetele se adauga ardeiul ,se calesc pina incepe sa miroasa a ardei calit,da-ti la o parte tigaia,adaugati un plic de mabonasu si amestecati bine,si se pune iar pe foc si se da in citeva clocote!
14/04/09 18:17

carne de pui 200 gr,creveti 100 gr,ciuperci shitake 5 bucati,morcov 50 gr,teci de fasole 20 gr,vraza bucati 150 gr (4-5 foi ),oua fierte ( 1 bucata de persoana). 1 plic haposai amestecat cu 200 ml apa rece.
se pune ulei in tigaie,carnea se face pe jumatate,si se adauga morcovul,fasolea,shitake,varza.
se ia de pe foc si se adauga plicul de haposai cu apa,se amesteca bine si se repune pe foc mare citeva clocote.